Project Touchstone

Probably The Easiest Ever Copywriting Course For Business Owners

I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs and small business owners write their website content, and they all started with the same problem -- when they speak face-to-face, or via video chat, about their business they say all the right things, their personality shines through, and the passion they have for their work is clear.  But when they try to communicate all that in writing they can't find the right words.

This course is for: 

♥ Every business owner who wants to write online content that connects with the same power as an in-person conversation. 

♥ Anyone who knows that writing will be a huge part of their marketing and customer nurture activity but worries they just can't do it.

♥ Small business owners who are frustrated that their website content sounds stiff, corporate and not at all like them.

I'll walk you through a 7 step process to create the best piece of content you've ever written - your Touchstone Copy.

Your Touchstone Copy is an engaging, easy-to-read, piece of content that sounds like your voice in writing. You can come back to it every time you need to write so you can recreate that style and tone in the next piece of content. And when you've followed the process once, it'll be easy to do time and again.

After completing this course you will have...

  • A list of personality traits to reflect in your brand voice.

  • A clear picture of your audience.

  • A routine to help you get into your writing groove.

  • A step-by-step process to follow, that makes writing your content much easier.

  • Your Touchstone Copy piece to use as your starting point, to help you create consistent sounding content.

  • Feedback from a professional copywriter (me) to help you develop your copywriting skills.

The Ultimate Website Content Planner

** This is not a course. This is a 70-page printable workbook. **

This is for you if you need help writing the key pages for your website + you're at your best when working with pen and paper. 

This comprehensive website content planner contains:

♦ Step-by-step instructions to create website content that converts visitors into paying clients.
♦ Templates for all the key pages your website needs.
♦ A guide to help you create a user-friendly experience for your website visitors.

If you are a solo-entrepreneur (coach, nutritionist, artist, photographer, selling services or programs) then the Ultimate Website Content Planner will help you write the words for your website.

After completing the Ultimate Website Content Planner you will have:

  • Identified the core messages your audience needs to hear from you.

  • An About page that creates a connection between you and your audience.

  • Sales and services pages that make it easy for your audience to see what you have to offer.

  • A simple method for building your email list.

  • A nurturing email sequence to turn new subscribers into warm leads.

  • A contact page that works for your visitors and your business.

  • A website structure and menu bar that delivers a simple and engaging experience for visitors.

  • A hard-working homepage that encourages visitors to dive into your website content.

The Client-Attracting Online Marketing Workbook

** This is not a course. This is a 20-page printable workbook. **

This is for you if you need help creating a manageable marketing routine so you can attract more visitors to your website.

This workbook includes:

  • The simplest online marketing explanation ever.

  • A guide to measuring your marketing progress.

  • Tips to choose the platforms your business uses to communicate.

  • Ideas to generate new content ideas - never be stuck for marketing inspiration again!

  • A promotion strategy to increase your blog post traffic.

  • 7 simple steps to create a consistent marketing routine.

Upgrade your online content and your writing skills

Get 12 months access to Project Touchstone Copywriting Course + The Ultimate Website Content Planner + The Client-Attracting Online Marketing Workbook

Buy the bundle now

Write With Worditude courses, planners, workbooks and bundles are created by...

  • Laura Robinson

    Copywriting coach for business-builders

    Laura Robinson

    Laura is a qualified, experienced digital copywriter with a First Class degree in Business Management, an Award in Direct and Digital Marketing, a Level 4 Diploma in Copywriting, a Level 5 Advanced Certificate in Digital Copywriting, a Certificate in Content Marketing and a Certificate in Email Marketing (she likes collecting certificates). She specializes in helping business-builders write their online content with confidence and style. She's feeling a bit awkward writing this whole section about herself in the third person.

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